March 2025

Writer's Journey

I can't not write


Of expression


An unburdened mind


Writing what I care about

Welcome to my writer’s journey. In January of 2018, I quit the practice of law to pursue my dream of writing a novel. I went from a lawyer in private practice, to assistant attorney general, to Deputy Commissioner of Insurance, to Director of the Division of Real Estate. Great jobs, but they weren’t enough. Although I had more than my allotted fifteen minutes of fame–when I testified before Congress, was quoted by the New York Times, and made it to local television countless times–I knew there was more. It was time to follow my bliss, as Joseph Campbell said.

During the past year, I’ve read at least three dozen how-to books. I’ve attended a three-day conference in Manhattan to learn and meet agents. I flew to Boston and had my work critiqued in a small setting by an agent and author.

Most importantly, I’ve written a novel. But it’s nowhere near ready for publication. I didn’t know when I started how important and how long the revision process is.

So what’s my novel about? Teenagers.

I’m passionate about today’s teens, the Z Gens, the kids born after 1994. I write for them and about them. These young people fascinate me. They are the first generation born while the internet was already here. They are the most diverse generation in history. And, they suffer from more anxiety and depression than any other generation, ever. I think they’ll save the world.

I’ve decided to blog about Z Gens while revising my novel to break up the monotony. Maybe, if you’re 24 or younger, you’ll recognize aspects of yourself and know you’re not alone. If you’re older than that, you may learn something about the youngest generation and feel as I do. That they are going to shake up our political systems and corporate structures for the better.


A writer's life


The ZGens are the most anxious and depressed generation in history. In 2016, a Pew survey showed that 70 percent of teens said that anxiety and depression are a major problem among their peers, and Read more…

Teens Love The Office

Generation Z’s don’t watch network TV. At all. Crazy, right? Maybe since they’ve grown up in a YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat world, they will not tolerate a single commercial. I don’t know. But they’re over on Read more…